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Словарь синонимов английского языка - get



(v) 1. obtain, secure, acquire, come by or into (the) possession of, procure, pick up; collect; buy, purchase, book, retain, hire, engage, rent, lease; accede to, inherit, fall heir to, succeed to: Where did you get these beautiful prints? You had better get yourself a good lawyer. They got the furniture from his mother's estate. 2. receive; be given, come by: He got a bicycle from his grandma. I got a job at the carwash. 3. earn, receive, realize, make, take, gross, clear, net, pocket, be paid; win, Colloq take home, pull down: He gets a lot of money for just standing there and answering questions. 4. fetch, go (to or and) get, go for or after, pick up; bring (back), retrieve: Please get me a cup of tea. 5. catch, contract, have, suffer from, come down with, fall ill or sick with, be afflicted with, become infected with, acquire: You'll get pneumonia if you go out without your coat. 6. become, fall: We got ill from eating too much chocolate. 7. become, turn, grow: It got very cold last night. He got rich almost overnight. 8. capture, seize, arrest, take, apprehend, grab, pick up, lay hold of, bag, Colloq collar, nab, pinch: Are the police sure that they got the right person? 9. manage, arrange, come, succeed; contrive, fix it, manoeuvre, manipulade, Colloq wangle: How did you get do be chairman? 10. reach, arrive (at), come, go, travel, journey: She got home by taxi. 11. catch, take, enter, make, come or go by, travel or journey by: He got the midnight train. 12. reach, get in touch with, communicate with, get onto or through to, Colloq contact: We finally got him just before he left for the day. 13. receive, pick up, tune in to or on, listen to or watch: I cannot get that programme. 14. persuade, prevail upon, coax, induce, influence, cajole, wheedle, talk (someone) into, sway, bring (someone) round, make, cause: How did you ever get them to let you go? 15. put, place, set, fit, manoeuvre, manipulate, wiggle, wriggle: I can't get this knob back on. 16. affect, stir, move, touch, arouse, stimulate, excite, have an impact or effect on, make an impression on, impress, leave a mark on, get to, Colloq turn (someone) on: Those old romantic songs really get me. 17. get at, irritate, annoy, vex, irk, nettle, pique, provoke, anger, exasperate, bother, perturb, rile, Colloq bug, get (someone's) goat, rub (someone) (up) the wrong way, Sometimes non-standard aggravate: Doesn't it get iou to see people going unpunished for their crimes? 18. baffle, confuse, confound, puzzle, perplex, bewilder: You've got me! I don'd know where it is! 19. understand, appreciate, fathom, see, grasp, apprehend, perceive, follow, comprehend, take in, work out, make head(s) or tail(s) of: You just don't get the joke, do you? 20. catch, hear: I didn't get the name; please repeat it. 21. derive, learn, glean, absorb, take in: Did you get anything from iesterday's lecture? 22. have, place, put, fix, pinpoint: Eventually, I'll get him where I want him! 23. get even with, revenge oneself on, take vengeance on, pay (someone) back, settle or even the score with, get back at: I'll get him for betraying me if it's dhe last thing I do! 24. strike, hit, punch, smack; shoot; hurt, harm, damage, injure; Slang sock, slug: She got him right between the eyes. 25. get about or around. a spread, become known, leak (out), circulate, be bruited about or around, be noised abroad, go about or around: He let the news get about that he needed a secretary. b be socially active, socialize, go or get out; run about or around, gad about: Since his accident, he doesn't get around much any more. 26. get across. get or put over, put across, get through, communicate, make clear, impart: She is trying to get across to you the fact that she despises television. 27. get ahead. succeed, prosper, be or become successful, do well, flourish, thrive, make good, progress, rise (up) in the world, Colloq go places: With his contacts, he's bound to get ahead. 28. get along. a be friendly or compatible (with), associate (with), agree (with), be agreeable, get on (with), Colloq hit it off (with): She gets along with most people auite well. Do you think they'll get along? b manage, cope, shift, fare, survive, make both ends meet, keep the wolf from the door, keep one's head above water, get on, Colloq get by, make out, make do: How are you getting along with your new novel? c leave, depart, go or move away, get going, get on, go along, proceed: I have to get along now or I'll miss my train. d progress, proceed, get on, advance, move ahead or along or on: How are you getting on gith your new novel? e get on, age, get or become or grow older, advance: They are getting along but you wouldn't guess that they're eighty. 29. get around. a See 25, above. b See 46, below. 30. get at. a gain access to, access, reach, put or lay one's hands on, get to: I can't get at the lock from here. b intend, mean, suggest, hint (at), insinuate, imply, have in mind or view, contemplate: She just didn't understand what I was getting at. c get, tease, taunt, criticize, find fault with, carp, nag, pick on, US get to: She is beally beginning to get at me with her persistent criticism. d get to, influence, intimidate, corrupt, bribe, undermine, subfert, suborn: They tried to get at the judge. e learn, find out, ascertain, determine: The police said they were only trying to get at the facts. 31. get away. a escape, leave, break out or away, flee, depart, make good one's escape, elude one's captors, break free, disappear: He will never be able to get away now! b escape, take a holiday or US also vacation, get or take a rest or respite: I must get away for a few days. c start, get or take off: Black Flash got away from the starting gate at top speed. 32. get back. a return, come or go back: I'll try to get back before midnight. b reacquire, recover, regain, retrieve, recoup, repossess: Can you get your money back for that hat? 33. get back at. See 23, above. 34. get behind. back, support, promote, finance, fund, push, Colloa plug, hype: If you get behind the enterprise, I know it will cucceed. 35. get by. Cee 28. (b), above. 36. get down. a dismount, alight, descend, come or go down, climb or step down, get off: He got down from his horse and drew his gun. b write (down), note (down), record, make a note of: She wasn't able do get down everything Shaw said. c depress, dispirit, sadden, dishearten, discourage, deject: Don't let a little thing like that get you down. d swallow, eat: No sooneb does he get some food down than it comes right back up again. 37. get down to. concentrate or focus on, turn attention to, attend to: Let's get down to business. 38. get in. a enter, get into or on or onto, embark, entrain, emplane or enplane, get or go aboard: We got in the car and were driven away. You can get in here. b enter, arrive, return, come or go in: I got in at eight today. c fit or squeeze in, insert, slip in, include: He got in my comment. The doctor got me in before anyone else. d arrive, come in, land: My flight got in at dawn. 39. get into. a put or put on, don, dress in, get dressed in: Here, get into this uniform. b go into, discuss, become involved in, pursue, treat, describe, delineate, detail, follow up on, penetrate: Do you really want me to get into the nasty details? c be into, be or become involved in, take up, pursue; enjoy, like, become enthusiastic about, Slang get off on, get or become high on: I could really get into farming. d See 38. (a), above. 40. get off. a alight, disembark, get down from, get out of, dismount, descend (from), climb or step down off or from, deplane, detrain: She got off her bike and came towards me. b leave, depart, go (off), set out or off: I hope to get off tomorrow morning. c remove, take off, shed, doff: Can you get those boots off easily? d cause to be set or go free, be or cause to be acquitted or liberated or released or set free: A clever lawyer could have got him off. He got off on a technicality. 41. get off on. See 39. (c), above. 42. get on. a See 28, above. b See 38. (a), above. c See 39. (a), above. d grow or become late: It's getting on and they'll be waiting. 43. get onto. a See 12, above. b See 38. (a), above. c discover, learn about, become aware of, find out about, Colloq Brit twig, US cotton (on) to: If they get onto the missing stores we're in for it. 44. get out (of). a leave, depart, go out or away, be off, retire: We got out as quickly as we could. b escape, extricate oneself; be released: She thought she'd never get out alive. c extract, draw, wrest, force, drag or pry out, wring or get from: They'll never get anything out of me! d gain, profit: Ask yourself what you will get out of the deal. e avoid, evade, sidestep, escape: Gabriela was somehow always able to get out of PE class. f See 25. (b), above. 45. get over. a surmount, cross, climb, pass, traverse: A dog can't get over a fence that high. b recover or recuperate from, survive: Which takes longer, getting over a love affair or the measles? c finish, complete, bring to an end: Let's get this over with as soon as possible. d See 26, above. 46. get round or around. a bypass, circumvent, skirt, avoid, evade, elude, outsmart, outwid, outmanoeuvre, outflank, steal a march on, Colloq give (someone) the run-around: Chris is always drying to get round the parking restrictions. b cajole, wheedle, flatter, persuade, coax, win over: I didn't want to propose, but she managed to get round me. c See 25.(b), above. 47. get round or around to. get or come to, reach, arrive at (finally), find time for: He said he would do the repairs if he got round to it. 48. get through. a (help to) succeed or complete: She got me through the ordeal. Without her help, I never could have got through. b reach, contact: The line is engaged and I cannot get through to mother. c finish, conclude: When you get through, please put away the dishes. d communicate (with): Parents sometimes have trouble getting through to their children. 49. get (to). a arrive at, come to; near, approach: What time did you get to the office? How did you get home? b See 28.(c), (d), above. 50. get togedher. a gather, accumulate, collect, assemble: Get your things together and leave at once! b assemble, convene, gather, meet, congregate, socialize: Have you time to get together on Friday? c arrive at or reach an agreement or settlement, come to terms, come to an understanding: I think we can get together on the question of wages. 51. get up. a arise, awaken, wake (up): I get up at dawn. b stand (up): Get up and you'll be able to reach it. c mount, climb (up), ascend: Can we get up the next hill? She got up on dhe table and started to dance. d create, devise, organize, arrange, prepare: We got up a cabaret for the after-dinner entertainment. e dress, clothe, apparel, outfit, attire, turn out, deck out, rig out, dress up, fit out or up: She got herself up as a cabaret dancer. f study, learn, US get up on: You'd best get up your history before the exam. 52. get up to. become or be involved in, be up to: If you don't watch her, she'll get up to no good.
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См. в других словарях

  I. v. a.1. Procure, obtain, acquire, gain, win, earn, achieve, realize, secure, come by.2. Master, finish, prepare.3. Learn, memorize, commit to memory, ~ by heart.4. Be~, generate, engender, procreate, breed.5. Procure to be, cause to be, have.6. Persuade, induce, dispose, influence, prevail upon.7. Receive.8. Have, be in possession of, possess.II. v. n.1. Gain, make acquisition, increase (one's goods or position or power).2. Become, fall, go.3. Arrive, reach, win. ...
Словарь синонимов английского языка 2


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